This channel displays temperature and humidity data collected by the DHT11 sensor. The arduino Uno MCU is used to process sensor data while the ESP8266 WiFi module is used to log the data to this Thingspeak channel.
Sistem Pemantau Suhu, Kelembaban, Intensitas Cahaya, Gas Pada Ruangan LPIK dengan Sensor LM 35, LDR, MQ-2, DHT 11 dan ESP8266 Berbasis IoT.
Breathe2 air quality monitoring device. More info:
Peacefair Pzem-004T channel with ESPproMon smartphone app -
Simple meteo station in my room. Using wi-fi module esp8266 , DHT11 temperature & humidity sensor, photoresistor.
A system for RFID tag read/write to track warehouse inventory. Atmega328P interfaced with the ESP8266 wifi module. This channel is for an EE Design Capstone. USF.
This is live electricity usage/generated data from my home. If the usage is zero it's because the solar panels are covering the load. :)
Posting to Twitter, providing JSON Frame and Posting to Thingspeak Channel Here
I am building many sensors using nodemcu and lua trying to connect everything together.. Have a look at my other thingspeak pages: