Autonomous weather station, located in Bento Gonçalves - RS - Brazil. Hardware used: Wemos D1 Mini Pro (ESP8266) + Photovoltaic Solar Panel + BME280 sensor + TP 4056 Charging Board
This project is mounted behind a solar panel which charges batteries that power the ESP8266 that hosts this project. The esp8266 in combination with a homemade fz0430 (voltage detector) measures the remaining battery and posts it here.
This is live electricity usage/generated data from my home. If the usage is zero it's because the solar panels are covering the load. :)
Wemos, BME280 weather station using deep sleep (10 min update data) powered with battery and solar panel
Measuring outside temerature , relative humidity , dew point temperature, barometric pressure with a solar powered esp8266-07 wifi module a Si7021 humidity sensor,a DS18B20 temperature sensor and a bmp180 barometric pressure sensor. Power source is a 3
Croatia Zagreb, Wemos, BME280 and DHT22 weather station using deep sleep (10 min update data) powered with battery and solar panel
Mesure de l'énergie consommée, avec sur l'installation 2500Wc+1000Wc(possible) de panneau solaire en autoconsommation et gestion du surplus dans le chauffe-eau. En période de production et en dessous de -100W je régule l'alimentation du chauffe-eau
Show different parameters like Battery voltage level, Solar panel current, Solar panel power and average of Solar panel power
This is a live data feed of my custom Arduino powered weather station. It uses LoRa to transmit data every 20 seconds.
10 Wp solar panel, two 3400 mAh Li-CoO2 18650 batteries in parallel, permanent small ~50 mW load. A shunt regulator limits battery voltage to 4.1 V. An externally powered ESP32 measures sol and bat powers for ThingSpeak.
Control the movement of solar panel cleaner using arduino mega 2560, Real Time Clock Module + EEPROM I2C – DS1307 and WiFi ESP8266-12-F Serial TTL Module
Controllo remoto Temperatura impianto / Progetto: Negozio: