Peacefair Pzem-004T channel with ESPproMon smartphone app -
This Channel is required to save and visualize the Luminosity of the environtments in which later be used to maintain the roofing of an area of Interest.
A testing channel for the 2021.11.22 physics hackathon at Kfar-Galim Highschool.
3 Keller Räume und Außensensor mit DHT22. Pool DS18B20. Vortice Fensterlüfter 2x 150/6 Abluft, 1x 230/9 Zuluft. Hysterese, Temperatur und Luftfeuchtigkeit je Raum einstellbar. Unter 15° Intervalllüftung. Anzeige über Virtuino App.
A project to allow the data from the android application to be stored on cloud.
The backend-service for the cab locator application which displays the number of empty seats and the location of the cab in real time.