Simple meteo station in my room. Using wi-fi module esp8266 , DHT11 temperature & humidity sensor, photoresistor.
Ambient parameters measured with various sensors attached to an ESP32 Dev board
Monitoring of my chilli growing environment using a Arduino Uno with the ESP8266 together with a DHT11 sensor, soil moisture sensor and a photoresistor. Data is sampled every 5 min.
Photoresistor sensors. Voltage increases as light intensity increases.
Projekat iz predmeta Racunarske periferije i interfejsi
Testování světelného senzoru spolu s NodeMCU V3, který jede na 1 ks 18650 Li-ion baterii ze starého notebooku. Další data se importují z API Weather Undergroud. Později budu porovnávat hodnotu světla s počasím. Aktuálně jen testuji.
This is an Arduino nano based weather station. It consist of the following parts: - Arduino Nano - ESP8266 ESP-01 - DHT11 - Temperature and humidity sensor - BMP280 - Temperature and Airpressure sensor - Soil moisture sensor - Rain detect