Ambient parameters measured with various sensors attached to an ESP32 Dev board
氣候變遷 pressure 氣壓 百帕 temp 氣溫 °C hum 濕度 %RH lux 亮度 lx uv 紫外線指數 J/m2 gas 空氣品質 無 Acceleration 加速度 1/16384 g Gyroscope 角速度 1/131 °/sec Magnetic 磁力 nT
MQTT WLAN Luftqualitätssensor mit MQ-135 Gas Sensor für SmartHome selber bauen.
Shows general fermentation data. Gases means the intensity of the gases emitted from the fermenter, using a MQ2 sensor (Values 0 - 1023). The start of the fermentation was on the 3rd of February.
Leer la cantidad de PPM de monóxido de carbono con una tarjeta esp32
Monitoring the temperature and humidity also gas emission of the hardware
Gasenergy log of 2 houses. See the summery of day, week and month between 2 different familys. See the real cost of gas in €. See the outdoor temperature and find out my best gas performance. Protect my environment and my wallet.
Log sensor data from my particle photon Bosch BME680 gas/T/RH/P sensor (installed indoor)
Leaked Natural Gas Level (Percent) of our Kitchen (Location: Tehran-Iran)
Sistema de monitoramendo do nível de gás, temperatura e umidade. Dados são capturados por dispositivo ESP32 Lora "sender" e transmitidos ponto-a-ponto ao Lora "receiver". Este se comunica com a Internet e registra os dados no ThingSpeak.