E+E EE871 Sensor CO2 Measuring principle non-dispersive infrared technology (NDIR) DC:4F:22:17:FB:35
Reads a PMS5003 air quality sensor with an ESP32. Written in C code using ESP IDF and VSCode. Using Matlab analysis and React to send an email alert. Reads an AHT20 and displays humidity and temperature.
Channel to store values of the measured temperature, humidity and air quality percentage in the IoT based Air quality monitoring project.
Sensor for temperature, humidity, pressure, air quality using the bme 680 and esp8266.
Analisis de Calidad del Aire Estacion de monitorero de PM2.5 & PM10 + Temperatura + Humedad + Presion ESP8266 & HPMA115S0 & BME280 f = 30 s Loma de Las Brujas - Envigado - Colombia sa.trepo@gmail.com
Air Quality, IPSIA, PM10, PM2.5, PM1.0, san benedetto del tronto
Temperature, humidity, pressure and gas data registration website
Outdoor air quality testing using SDS011 and BME280 prototype enclosure in Sherwood Park, Alberta.