ESP8266 NodeMCU based clock, 60 NeoPixels ring display with DHT22, LDR, PIR and Audio sensors. Tracks CheerLights, updates no-IP and posts log data to ThingSpeak and Twitter.
Live readings of the current humidity, temperature, light, and occupancy conditions in the greenhouse.
ESP8266 201 based Cat fountain with DHT22, DS18B20, LDR, PIR, water level sensors and automatic pump. Posts log data to ThingSpeak and Twitter.
Temperature, humidity, pressure and gas data registration website
Dark Banisher, LED infrared induction lamp --Provide light in the dark
Just for Analysis for Mini Weather Station. BMP280, Si7021, DS18B20 with ESP8266 NodeMCU, Kharkiv, Ukraine
Collaborating LDR, PIR, and Website to create saving energy street light during the night