This is a C and C++ based IoT project in which we use an ESP32 microcontroller with some modules attached to it. We use a DHT11 module to provide weather data in real time, such as temperature and air humidity, every 10 seconds on an LCD.
Temperature,humidity, 3 channel lights, one channel ventilation, daylight sensor, movement sensor,
Experiment 2.2 Name - Sarwesh Giri UID - 19BCS4603 In this channel, we will be storing the data of the number of people entering the room at night
Temperature, humidity, pressure and gas data registration website
Live Temperature and Humidity Monitoring over Internet using Arduino and ThingSpeak
Sebuah alat yang digunakan untuk mengetahui ketinggian air pada bendungan, membantu masyarakat dalam meminimalisir banjir dikarenakan pintu bendungan dibuat otomatis dan alat ini terintegrasi dengan website sehingga membantu masyarakat memantau debit air