MH-Z19B High accuracy Carbon Dioxide NDIR-type sensor 0/10.000 ppm • BMP280 digital pressure & temperature sensor • DHT22 Humidity & temperature capacitive-type sensor • NodeMCU ESP8266 LUA v3 • Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires, Argentina
Location: Bonuan Gueset, Dagupan, 2400 Pangasinan IoT Based Air Quality Monitoring System
Location: 309 Macario Asistio Sr. Avenue, Caloocan City, Metro Manila, Grace Park West, Caloocan, Metro Manila, Philippines IoT Based Air Quality Monitoring System
Location: DepEd San Carlos City Pangasinan IoT Based Air Quality Monitoring System
Monitoring and recording local of NDIR Corrected CO2, Temperature, Relative Humidity and Atmospheric Pressure levels mostly indoors.
E+E EE871 Sensor CO2 Measuring principle non-dispersive infrared technology (NDIR) DC:4F:22:17:FB:35