Uses Raspberry Pi with Dallas DS18B20 sensors and BMP180 for pressure. Uses udp comms to Wemos D1 mini for switching relays for pump and pond heater. Monitors Koi pond temperature and shack (with water pipes in loft) sending email and ThingTweet update
Multiple Wemos D1 Minis with Dallas ds18b20 sampling temperatures updating via UDP over local network to Wemos D1 Uno board for tx to Thingspeak. Raspberry Pi triggers D1 when to tx over udp as Wemos has no time clock. Propagator Pi Pico web server m
The Raspberry checks its 2 DS18B20 sensors (room / garden). He makes an average in every 5 minutes, and post it to
Monitoring of a solar installation with two 24V 400W panels in series (morning), four 24V 330W panels in series/parallel (afternoon), one Tracer4210AN MPPT controller, one Must PV 1800 Hybrid Inverter and four 6V 600Ah battery in series
Mit diesem Kanal wird das Gewicht des Bienenstock 1 an diesem Bienenstand dokumentiert. This channels purpose is the documentation of the weight of the behive 1 at this location.
Daten meiner Bienenwaage (Volk-1-5). Technik dahinter? RaspberryPi mit HoneyPi und zwei 100kg Wägezellen.