'DIPCRO-CREA' STEAM Proyect. IES La Victoria (Islas Canarias).
GAHE GHDS100E Energy Meter is equipped with RS485 Communication. Readings are retrieved by ESP8266 (Wemos Mini) running Modbus RTU library, then send the data directly to Thingspeak every 15 seconds.
Bachelor thesis based on Virtual and Augmented Reality applying Arduino sensors and Unity to Botany
This channel records the temperature and humidity as well as displaying future weather data using Arduino.
Estación Meteorológica Área Suroriente de Ciudad Juárez, México. En fase de pruebas.
Water level (dyp-me007 ultrasonic), temperature (LM35), microcontroller (SAMD51 programmed in CircuitPython), cellular (LTE Cat-M1)
Temperature in Bilyky, Kobeliaky Raion, Poltava Oblast, Ukraine
Temperature, Pressure, Altitude, and Humidity for Chemung County location