Weather Station using Wemos D1 mini Pro with TFT screen.
Project ini menggunakan sensor DHT 11 dan Soil Moisture untuk memonitoring kelembaban tanah.
Anlage A1: pH-Wert, Füllstand und Temperatur von Zulauf, Ablauf und Teich
Lolin D1 Mini Ublox SAM-MQ8 GNSS Google Maps Sensor Position Tracker
Meteostation using ESP8266 (Wemos D1 mini) 3D printed parts and BME 280 sensor
Live readings of the current humidity, temperature, light, and occupancy conditions in the greenhouse.
La station météo ludo-pédagogique pour apprendre la programmation et l'internet des objets. Code disponible sur GitHub :
Indoor unit: arduino nano, w5100 shield, DHT11, LDR Outdoor unit: wemos d1, AM2302, BMP180, LDR
Multiple Wemos D1 Minis with Dallas ds18b20 sampling temperatures updating via UDP over local network to Wemos D1 Uno board for tx to Thingspeak. Raspberry Pi triggers D1 when to tx over udp as Wemos has no time clock. Propagator Pi Pico web server m