Indoor Dust density in μg/m^3 Minimum detectable dust size: 0.5 um Method: reflected light of dust in air Location 2 rue de l’église 17400 courcelles France
Tube J305 sensible aux rayons beta et gamma et baromètre BME280. L'unité de mesure des radiations sur les graphiques est le nombre d'impacts détectés en 30 secondes. Adresse bitcoin pour soutenir le projet : bc1qmvktaemp88p6q3f7nl8j6mkuv08q4fcmpremu4
This is my homemade digital anemometer. It is made of cups rotating with a magnet triggering a reed switch. The wires are connected to an Arduino Uno that calculates the time between consecutive pulses (after reed switch debouncing by my arduino software)
La station météo ludo-pédagogique pour apprendre la programmation et l'internet des objets. Code disponible sur GitHub :
Station Météo - Balcon Rosny-sous-Bois, Seine-Saint-Denis, France.
station météo puycapel Puech Calvinet 15340 Puycapel, france
DataLogger based on Arduino with 434MHz radio and BME280 sensor supplied by 3.6V battery for the transmitter and Arduino and Raspberry with Python program for receiver.
DataLogger based on Arduino with 434MHz radio and BME280 sensor supplied by 3.6V battery for the transmitter and RaspberryPiZeroW & CC1101 with Python program for receiver.