LoLin ESP-12E ESP8266/NodeMCU SB/MC with Bosch BME280 Weather Sensor
Stasiun Cuaca | Lokasi: Dieng Kulon, Banjarnegara, Jawa Tengah. [UPT Dinas Pariwisata Dieng] Izin IAR Kominfo via YD2CLX
Uses D1 Mini with configuration stored in RTC memory. Data updates every 10 minutes here and on The device is housed in an AcuRite Instrument Shield. Near-term (12-hour) forecast uses the Zambretti algorithm:
Measuring the Temperature/Humidy and pressure by my house with an Wemos d1 pro mini running MicroPython. The sensor is solar powered, with a small solar panel and a 18650 battery charged by said panel. The voltage field is just for control .
Raspberry Pi monitoring project: our flat indoor temperature, humidity and barometric pressure monitoring with BME280 sensor by Python3 script.