uC :ESP8266 sensors:SHT31+BME280 Solar powered system. Windy pws https://www.windy.com/station/pws-f069e60d?41.081,28.258,8
Weather Station of Turkey, Ankara. Solar powered WIFI Weather Station
Alanya/ Antalya/ Türkiye @ismailcanernaz ThingSpeak_ESP-01 MAC: E8:DB:84:XX:XX:XX ESP-01 & DHT11
RadiationD-v1.1 (CAJOE) Module with J305βγ tube, DHT11 and BMP180 sensors connected to Wemos D1 ESP8266 @ Ankara,Turkey
Test channel for SBM-20 tube geiger counter. Field 1: CPM (60 seconds sampling) last 120 input shown. Field 2: Dose in uSv/h (CPM*0.0057 for SBM-20 Tube). Field 3: Average CPM of 1 day, last 1 month shown. Field 4: Average Dose of 1 day, last 1 month
COVID-19 world and Turkey numbers from Covid19api.com with nodemcu
Hardware: Sonoff RF Bridge + DIGOO DG-R8S / Software: Tasmota + Portisch Firmware