Monitor for radioactive radiation based on STS-6 (CTC-6) Geiger tube. Sensitive to gamma and hard beta. Transmission every 60 seconds. Dose rate is estimated from pulse rate with fixed factor. Normal level is just below 0.1 µS/h.
The Geiger–Müller counter in Skierniewice, Poland. The Geiger Counter updates every five minutes with counts-per-minute (CPM) and microsieverts. Dead Time Correction (DTC) is done to compensate for detector dead time.
Stacja pogodowa Łódź Bałuty (Teofilów B). Czujnik PMS 7003. Pomiar PM 2,5 oraz PM 10. Odczyty co 15 minut. BME 280 podaje temperaturę, wilgotność oraz ciśnienie. Detektor promieniowania jądrowego. Nuclear Radiation Detector.
Test channel for SBM-20 tube geiger counter. Field 1: CPM (60 seconds sampling) last 120 input shown. Field 2: Dose in uSv/h (CPM*0.0057 for SBM-20 Tube). Field 3: Average CPM of 1 day, last 1 month shown. Field 4: Average Dose of 1 day, last 1 month
Human exposure to natural background radiation (global average) = 0.274µSv/h. (Geiger counter : M4011 GM tube)