Analisis de Calidad del Aire Estacion de monitorero de PM2.5 & PM10 + Temperatura + Humedad + Presion ESP8266 & HPMA115S0 & BME280 f = 30 s Loma de Las Brujas - Envigado - Colombia
A simple weather station. Created with NodeMCU ESP-12E, BMP280 and DHT11. Coded with Arduino IDE to send to Thingspeak and Blynk simultaneously.
Smart Weather Station with DHT 11, BMP 280 and Rain Sensor
Luftdruck, Temperatur und Luftfeuchtigkeit im Flur eines Altbau.
Just for Analysis for Mini Weather Station. BMP280, Si7021, DS18B20 with ESP8266 NodeMCU, Kharkiv, Ukraine
Testing weather station - Milovice, CZECH. Meteostation solar powered, battery LiOn 18650 2200mAH, ESP8266 + BMP280 + Solar panel 6V/160mA. Sensor is now at same box as ESP8266. Location - window sill on the north side of the house.
Private weather station at Rolan Mountain, Lennestadt. Elevation: 299m above sea level. Measurements: Temperature, humidity, soon: barometric pressure. Measuring interval: 15 seconds.
dane z czujników z 3 miast: Jelenia Góra, Kalisz i Wrocław