Collect and log weather data (temperature, humidity, air pressure) using bme680 and wemos d1 mini in Erlangen, Bavaria, Germany
ESP-01/BME280 powered by 2x 1.5V AA-Cells + 470uF Capacitor; 300s-SensorReadOut Interval with DynamicAverage calculation; 900-3600s dynamic ChannelUpdater Interval (Runtime optimization in relation to the remaining power)
Private weather station at Rolan Mountain, Lennestadt. Elevation: 299m above sea level. Measurements: Temperature, humidity, soon: barometric pressure. Measuring interval: 15 seconds.
Temperature, pressure and humidity in Weyher in der Pfalz, Germany. Solar powered Wemos with BME280 connected to public Wifi "Freifunk Weyher"
Radioactivity readings with a Geiger Müller kit from Landshut in germany. Measured with a SBM20 tube.
Temperature, humidity, and pressure in Dresden-Klotzsche, Germany. From Bosch BME280 sensor.