Light and temperature readings from my chicken coop. You can see the coop at
Channel for Home made Weather weather station powered by Raspberry Pi Zero, located in Ipswich, IP1, UK
Environmental sensor data using 3 sensors - DHT22, BMP180 and DS18B20 connected to a Raspberry Pi 3
This channel shows temperature and pressure logged by Matt's Raspberry Pi and a BMP180 sensor.
Temperature and pressure data uploaded every after 30 Minutes.
Here we want to feed the CO2 concentration as recorded by an MH-Z14 sensor in our university.
Check the temperature and humidity in the proofing box.
Uses Raspberry Pi with Dallas DS18B20 sensors and BMP180 for pressure. Uses udp comms to Wemos D1 mini for switching relays for pump and pond heater. Monitors Koi pond temperature and shack (with water pipes in loft) sending email and ThingTweet update