2 * DHT11 plus DS18B20 Recording the Living Environment of Socially Rented Accommodation - Renfrewshire Council
Arduino Uno R4 WiFi temperature of pool and solar panel control + weather in Osek u Duchcova, Czech Republic, MAX 6675 thermocouple and BME280
weather, monitoring, temperature, humidity, air quality
A weather station dashboard that collects and displays temperature, humidity, and pressure data from a BME280 sensor, sent via an ESP8266 microcontroller
LoLin ESP-12E ESP8266/NodeMCU SB/MC with Bosch BME280 Weather Sensor
ESP8266, DHT22, BMP280, Raindrop sensor. Monitoring Temperature, Humidity, Barometric pressure, and Rain status (24 hours range). By: Arkan (YG2BXP)
Sensor Cuaca di Desa Jerukagung, Klirong, Kebumen Untuk Keperluan Riset Iklim dan Cuaca
Streamway depth in Ogof Ffynnon Ddu 1, measured in a pot downstream of "The Step". The sensor is a 4-20mA submersible pressure sensor with a depth range of 0-4m.
Uses D1 Mini with configuration stored in RTC memory. Data updates every 10 minutes here and on https://aprs.fi/W4KRL-13. The device is housed in an AcuRite Instrument Shield. Near-term (12-hour) forecast uses the Zambretti algorithm: w4krl.com/zambretti
Measuring the Temperature/Humidy and pressure by my house with an Wemos d1 pro mini running MicroPython. The sensor is solar powered, with a small solar panel and a 18650 battery charged by said panel. The voltage field is just for control .