A public channel which updates the live status of a parking spot. Go to "More information" to open the location in "Google Maps". Thank you.
This a cloud of storage for Physical Data of Sensors used to measure Environmental Pollutants
Метеостанция проекта "Хутор Мебиуса", находящаяся в городе Гомель, по адресу улица Чечерская
Live readings of the current humidity, temperature, light, and occupancy conditions in the greenhouse.
Метеостанция проекта "Хутор Мебиуса", находящаяся в городе Рогачев
Projeto simples de medição da intensidade do sinal Wi-fi de uma rede com a placa ESP8266, que serve como um exemplo prático do funcionamento da internet das coisas.
Гомель - Gomel - Беларусь - Belarus the second station of the Mobiusius Farm project, working with a mobile device
Гомель - Gomel - Беларусь - Belarus Первая станция на ThingSpeak проекта "Хутор Мебиуса"
Datos meteorológicos obtenidos de Sensores DHT11 y Modulo LDR Fotoresistencia
Nibbles is the IoT Hamster at Lee's Summit High School in Mrs. Soukup's PLTW Computer Science classroom A238. Follow Nibbles on Twitter @Nibble_n_4Bits