Estación Meteorologica para el Club de Aeromodelismo en Puerto Madryn - Chubut - AAPM
Estación Meteorológica Ciudadela, Buenos Aires, Argentina Sensores BME680, LDR. Conección WiFi - ESP8266
Location: Ivanka pri Dunaji, Bratislava, Slovakia Hardware used: DHT22 for temp and hum. BMP280 for relative pressure and temp TSL25911 for measuring light intensity SI1145 for measuring UV index Wemos D1 as a CPU 1.5W 12V Solar Panel LiFePo4 186
Weather Station - Location - Castledermot -Co Kildare - Ireland
Measuring the Temperature/Humidy and pressure by my house with an Wemos d1 pro mini running MicroPython. The sensor is solar powered, with a small solar panel and a 18650 battery charged by said panel. The voltage field is just for control .