Measuring outside temerature , relative humidity , dew point temperature, barometric pressure with a solar powered esp8266-07 wifi module a Si7021 humidity sensor,a DS18B20 temperature sensor and a bmp180 barometric pressure sensor. Power source is a 3
Updates every 5 minutes! Started on 26/2/2023 Made by Nikos Efstratiou in Mytilene,Lesvos,Greece
This is a Test Channel for the MSc program in Telecommunications at the International Hellenic University. Located in Serres, Greece.
Esp8266 wemos d1 mini ==> temp and humidity , air pressurre , rssi and battery voltage powered with 1 18650 and solar panel.
Weather Data For Agricultural use . The Station is located in a kiwi plantation at Chrysoupoli , Kavala ,Greece . It Transmits data every 5 minute
Temperature Huidity and Absolute barometric pressure (35m altitude) in Rethymno Crete Greece using an BME280