This project has: 1=sd card logger 2=OTA feature 3=serial Sd card loader 4=2x light sensor 5=2x Ds18b20 sensor 6= 2x soil moisture sensor 7= 2x Bem280 sensor 8=2x can bus module 9=battry power save control feature 10=real time RTC with batter
Outdoor Environmental Quality station. Arduino + Esp8266 + Dht22 + Bmp180 + Light Meter
Application that uses an Arduino MKR1000 to monitor a DHT11 Temperature and Humidity sensor, a BMP180 Pressure and Temperature sensor, the RSSI reading from the MKR1000 board, and a light sensor to detect ambient light.
Aurora Detector is located in Mora, Sweden. Aurora points over 3 hints for aurora chanse. Sensors have been tested and the detector will be up and running soon!!!
Visualization of sensor data from phone and other channels as well