Streamway depth in Ogof Ffynnon Ddu 1, measured in a pot downstream of "The Step". The sensor is a 4-20mA submersible pressure sensor with a depth range of 0-4m.
Microclimate Weather broadcast for 91977 - NodeMCU ESP-12E v1 - Temperature & Humidity - Barometric pressure - Ambient light - Argent Anemometer/Vane - Argent Rain gauge
Home environment monitoring system. Sensors will measure particulate matter (Ultrafine dust PM2.5 and fine dust PM10), co2, TVOC, ambient light, humidity, temperature and barometric pressure.
Environmental conditions in the Make Hack Void building in metric units. Humidity is relative and air pressure in hPa is adjusted to sea level. This data is acquired with an ESP8266 Wemos using the source code at
Temperature, RH%, AQ, Barometric Pressure, PM10, PM5, PM2.5
Températures dans et hors poulailler. humidité ambiante, luminosité, Batterie solaire
BME280 weather sensor run by RPi over I2C bus. Bosch driver, other software custom written in C. Updates every 20 min.
Air Quality in Maricopa, AZ 85138. Trying to determine how unhealthy the air gets here when the cow, chicken or pig smells permeate the area.
Weather station in Hohenau/March Lower Austria. ESP8266 with BMP180(air pressure), HTU21D(temperature and humidity) and TSL2591(brightness)
plot inside/ outside temperature, humidity and barometric pressure using arduino/ bmp180 / dht22, location nr berlin intervall 1h
ESP8266-12E with DHT22 temperature and humidity, BMP085 barometric pressure and temperature, BH1750FVI light intensity and BPW34 solar irradiance logger in Romania, Odorheiu-Secuiesc 535600, Tineretului 5/15