Monitorizando temperatura y humedad con DHT11 conectada a ESP-01 ESP8266
6x DS18B20 in box TEST Arduino UNO R3 ESP8266 ESP-01 20 second
Pump Controller Based on Arduino and esp-link. The controller can monitor discharge head and motor current so to protect the pump from dry running. The controller send mqtt data via esp-link (act as serial wifi bridge) to an mqtt broker running. For mo
Temperature, humidity, pressure and gas data registration website
ESP-01/BME280 powered by 2x 1.5V AA-Cells + 470uF Capacitor; 300s-SensorReadOut Interval with DynamicAverage calculation; 900-3600s dynamic ChannelUpdater Interval (Runtime optimization in relation to the remaining power)
Lectura de humedad y temperatura con el económico ESP_01 y DHT22.
IoT Made Easy With UNO, ESP-01, ThingSpeak and MIT App Inventor.
A weather station made from an Arduino / ESP8266 and a bunch of sensors. Based in Hebburn, Tyne and Wear. [STILL UNDER TESTING AND MAY GO OFFLINE]
Using an ESP8266 ESP-01 module and an Arduino Pro Mini 3.3V I wirelessly update all outputs from my thermostat to here for data analysis and because it's cool. This requires a voltage divided rectifier since thermostats run at least 24 VAC RMS.