Reads a PMS5003 air quality sensor with an ESP32. Written in C code using ESP IDF and VSCode. Using Matlab analysis and React to send an email alert. Reads an AHT20 and displays humidity and temperature.
Stacja pogodowa w Kętach. Oparta na czujnikach BME280, BH1750, Adafruit ina219, czujnik deszczu, czujnik wilgotności gleby. Całość działa na module WI-FI LOLIN32.
Some Temp Sensors on my Concentrated Solar Power made for thesis @PoliTo
Monitoring the humidity levels inside my filament storage drybox.
Collecting weather data by a self-made weather station based on own Arduino software with ATmega32 and ESP32 mcu. Data : Temperature & humidity (in and out), pressure, wind speed, wind dir, solar rad, UV and rainfall.
Vremenska postaja se nahaja v centru Šentjerneja in vsebuje senzorja DHT22 in BMP280.