Canal criado para visualizar as leituras de correntes realizadas pelo sensor ACS712 e enviadas através do NodeMCU
A simple weather station. Created with NodeMCU ESP-12E, BMP280 and DHT11. Coded with Arduino IDE to send to Thingspeak and Blynk simultaneously.
Track temperature and Humidity using ESP8266 and DHT22 sensor. Location: Surat, India
Fine-dust monitoring station near Oido Marine Cmplx. Gyeonggi, South Korea. Channel updates once every minute with PM10.0 and PM2.5 readings from the Nova SDS011 Sensor. Also, provide real-time location tracking capabilities with the GY-NEO6MV2 GPS Module
Temperature of Cold & Hot Water Supply (Pipe) (Location: Tehran-Iran)
Consumption Current of our Refrigerator (& so Activity State of it) (Location: Tehran-Iran)