DIY MCU Coffee Plant Channel - **ESP8266, DHT22, VH400, TSL2561, BMP180**, MQTT (Server:, Wildcard subscription: sensors/OP-477895/#), Twitter:
room temperature & humidity using SI7021, lux using TSL2561, barometric pressure BMP180
lectura experimental de la concentración de material particulado 2.5 + Temperatura, Presión atmosférica, Humedad almosférica utilizando el hardware Arduino + DSM501+ ESP8266 ESP-01S Wifi + Strinity Sensor cobber (TSL2561, BMP180, AM2321) + GP2Y1014
Wettermessung Außenbereich Westseite. Messungen mit Raspberry Pi 3B+, BME280 und TSL2561 Messungen im 120 sec Takt.
Weather Data For Agricultural use . The Station is located in a kiwi plantation at Chrysoupoli , Kavala ,Greece . It Transmits data every 5 minute
"Barbastatione 0.2" Weather Station (Temperature - Humidity - Pressure and Dew Point). Created with ESP8266-DHT11, BMP180 and TSL2561 - -The station is located in Fabriano (AN)- Italy.- --- Reading every 20min---
A weather station made from an Arduino / ESP8266 and a bunch of sensors. Based in Hebburn, Tyne and Wear. [STILL UNDER TESTING AND MAY GO OFFLINE]
Solar ovens to dry paper pulp. Channel 1 is Oven temperature, Channel 2 is Ambient Temperature and Channel 3 is Light Intensity (Vis and IR).