This device is used to get the wifi connection status of the Internet service at Gwakwani
uC :ESP8266 sensors:SHT31+BME280 Solar powered system. Windy pws,28.258,8
氣候變遷 pressure 氣壓 百帕 temp 氣溫 °C hum 濕度 %RH lux 亮度 lx uv 紫外線指數 J/m2 gas 空氣品質 無 Acceleration 加速度 1/16384 g Gyroscope 角速度 1/131 °/sec Magnetic 磁力 nT
I prepared this channel for summer training KIIT University.
i prepared this channel for summer training KIIT university
I prepared this channel for summer training KIIT University
Capture my Swimming pool data using an ESP8266. Duplicated on a local web interface. Also posted to MySQL via PHP Post.