Uses a D1 Mini and Arduino code with an HTU21D for ambient sensing and two DS18B20 OneWire sensors for inlet and outlet temperature measurement. The heat-pump mode detection uses temperature difference and its derivative of the inlet and outlet temperatu
Measures the relationship between light intensity and solar panel power output. Panel is 80 x 55 mm rated at 6 V 100 mA. An INA219 measures current, voltage, and power output. A TP4056 controls the charge of a 600 mAh cell. Reports every 5 minutes.
Meteostation using ESP8266 (Wemos D1 mini) 3D printed parts and BME 280 sensor
Simple Weather station with ESP8266, Arduino, and DHT11 Temperature and humidity sensor
Air temperature and humidity, including air pressure and inside air quality sensors running on an ESP32 and a solar powered ESP8266.
Local weather in San Paolo Bel Sito (NA), Italy. IoT with DHT22, BMP085, and ESP8266-01.
Outdoor home temperature, Plano, Texas. ESP8266, DS18B20, BMP280, Raindrops module.