The solar-powered smart-flowerpot project with the ESP32 micro-controller unit. (Temperature, Humidity, Illuminance (Lux), Soil Moisture, Soil Salinity, Battery Voltage)
Simple environment monitor using BMP280 and BH1750 on ESP32
Mesures de quelques paramètres caractérisants un intérieure de maison. Measurements of some parameters characterizing a house interior.
This an arduino based weather monitor station. It measures 5 different weather variables: temperature, wind speed, rainfall, illuminance and humidity. The Weather Station updates every 5 minutes to ThingSpeak.
This Channel contains some Weather Data, measured Outdoors. The Hardware used is a Node MCU 1.0 with a AM2302, BM085 and a BH1750 Sensor.
Data from via SmartThings CoopBoss data logger SmartApp