Análise dos níveis de ruído ambiente na Escola da Boa Água, situada na Quinta do Conde-Sesimbra, Portugal
ESP8266 with sensors: BMP180 Barometric Pressure // Si7021 Temperature and Humidity // VEML6070 UV Sensor // TSL46315 Visible Light Sensor // TSL2591 Light Sensor
ESP8266, Movement, LDR, Barometric, Temperature, BME280, DS18B20, Humidity, PO19
ESP8266 (ESP12E Dev Board) with DHT22 Temperature and Humidity Sensor.
It's a simple project with Arduino UNO useful to remotely control a light with the ESP8266 WiFi module
Weather Station positioned under a outside south faceing roof. Temps and Pressures from BMP180, Humidity from DHT22, monitored by a ESP8266.
Weather data from BME280 sensor located in Buenos Aires, Argentina.