WF8266R IoT develop board based on ESP8266
Monitoring of my chilli growing environment using a Arduino Uno with the ESP8266 together with a DHT11 sensor, soil moisture sensor and a photoresistor. Data is sampled every 5 min.
Running a WEMOS Lite + DHT32 of 3xAA batteries, out in the garden. To asses battery life.
Simple weather station running on a NodeMCU (V3 - ESP8266) reporting data from a BMP180 sensor, a DHT11 and an LDR.
Small Automated Greenhouse Prototype, composed by: internal and external temperature and humidity (2xDHT11), Soil temperature (DS18B20), Soil humidity (bad quality prototype), Fan, exhaust fan, irrigation system and lamps;
Sensor de Temperatura y Humedad creado con la placa WeMos D1 y el sensor DHT11, y LDR