Reading temperature, humidity, barometric pressure and dewing point using dht 11, bmp 180 and node mcu using arduino ide through raspberry pi from a home in Oslo and sending the data to thingspeak for seeing the output in a userfriendly user interface
Traffic counter based on Raspberry Pi 4 / OpenCV and background subtractor method.
ZigBee-базирана сензорна мрежа, състояща се от възли, използващи платформа с отворен код Arduino.
Using IOT to control and to monitor the parameter in SLABS via mobile apps and website page. (6 Aug 2021)
Projekt im Rahmen des Masterstudiengangs Datenmanagement in Produktentwicklung und Produktion an der Hochschule Aalen zur Raumklimaüberwachung mit einem Raspberry Pi 4B