Rice Field Capture (Capasitive Sensor v2.0 + DS18B20) Tasikmalaya West Java
OpenHAB running on RaspberryPi processing MQTT messages from ESPEasy reading DS12B20 Temperature sensor
IoT, ESPEasy, ESP8266. Measuring Temperature with 8 DS18B20 sensors
Prueba de medicion de datos con ESP8266 - DS18B20 mediante WiFi al interior de mi Depto.
ESP-01 (ESP8266) and DS18B20 based temperature monitor using NodeMCU firmware Lua script uploader: https://github.com/sza2/nodemcu_file_util
Raspberry Pi temperature sensor reading every 2 minutes from confocal microscope at Newcastle University
La station météo ludo-pédagogique pour apprendre la programmation et l'internet des objets. Code disponible sur GitHub : https://github.com/antonydbzh/Station-anna-MANI
Đo nhiệt độ và mực nước. Đo nhiệt độ, độ ẩm và áp suất khí quyển. Đo ánh sáng môi trường.
Digistump OAK acting as an arduino and pushing reading from 2 DS18B20 and a moisture sensor to thingspeak. From 09111 Chemnitz, Germany.
This is measuring the temperature inside my son's fish tank. This is much better than the temp strip on the side of the tank.