Dunavecse - időjárás állomás Hőmérséklet, páratartalom, légnyomás. NODEMCU ESP8266, DHT11, BMP180
NodeMCU ESP8266 with DHT22, BMP180, ML8511, MQ135 & KY037 sensors
Temperature,humidity, 3 channel lights, one channel ventilation, daylight sensor, movement sensor,
Reading temperature, humidity, barometric pressure and dewing point using dht 11, bmp 180 and node mcu using arduino ide through raspberry pi from a home in Oslo and sending the data to thingspeak for seeing the output in a userfriendly user interface
Simple weather station running on a NodeMCU (V3 - ESP8266) reporting data from a BMP180 sensor, a DHT11 and an LDR.
Project Simple Weather Station with NodeMCU and ThingSpeak
Wood stove heating, ~24m^2. esp8266, ccs811, bmp180, gy30, indoor weather station
Uitlezen sensoren: luchtvochtigheid, temperatuur, luchtdruk