Tracking the data read from Ultrasonic Sensor and Weight Sensor
Sistema de monitoreo de temperatura y humedad usando Arduino Nano 33 IoT y sensor DHT11 alimentado por cosecha de energía de buganvilia común.
flood water Update sensor ( Done by - Aryan, Samarth, Kunal, Vishwadity, Rajvardhan.)
This weather station allows measuring the following parameters: Temperature, percentage of humidity and pressure through the BME280 sensor; Percentage of CO2 and TVOC through the CCS811 sensor; O2 concentration through the Groove O2 sensor; PM 1.0 and PM
This project monitors six DS18B20 temperature probes. The data is collected via an ESP8266 NodeMCU micro controller.
Temperature, air pressure, humidity, light intensity measurement using ESP8266 board and BH1750, BMP085 sensors on I2C bus
Sensor Suhu dan Kelembapan menggunakan DHT 11, nodemcu esp8266, kabel jumper, mit app inventor dan Arduino IDE, Abdillah dan Yusuf