To develop an IoT-based platform for the remote monitoring and controlling of farming field conditions.
Smart Farming is an IOT based system build for monitoring the crop fields with the help of sensors and automatic irrigation system. A farmer can monitor the field condition from anywhere and collect the crop data or analysis.
This weather station allows measuring the following parameters: Temperature, percentage of humidity and pressure through the BME280 sensor; Percentage of CO2 and TVOC through the CCS811 sensor; O2 concentration through the Groove O2 sensor; PM 1.0 and PM
Collecting data : Temperature, Humidity, Moisture, Solar Radiation from ITC GREENHOUSE. We have two sensor nodes working in Greenhouse and a Coordinator collected data from those nodes sending data to ThingSpeak using NodeMCU.
Reads a PMS5003 air quality sensor with an ESP32. Written in C code using ESP IDF and VSCode. Using Matlab analysis and React to send an email alert. Reads an AHT20 and displays humidity and temperature.