This channel displays the temperature, pressure and humidity detected by the Wemos D1 mini with ESP-Easy 2.x and a Bosch BMP280, a SI7021, a TSL2561 sensor. Power supply with a 10W / 5V solar panel and TP4056 battery charger with 3000mAh Li-Ion battery.
Es werden Lufttemperatur, Luftdruck und relative Luftfeuchte in Unterneukirchen mit einer selbstgebauten Wetterstation erfasst.
Updated every 15 minutes, this is the first LoRa weather station installed in the Felton Valley with the assistance of Cambooya Landcare Association - This is a demonstration, evaluation and educational project by Queensland DAF and DSITI
Channel for Home made Weather weather station powered by Raspberry Pi Zero, located in Ipswich, IP1, UK
DIY weather station in Skierniewice, Poland. Current sensors: - humidity & temperature sensor: DHT22, - light intensity sensor: BH1750, - barometric pressure sensor: BMP085. Other equipment: - wireless network: ESP8266, - RTC: DS3231.
Temperatura (ºC) e umidade relativa do ar (%) na cidade de Mirassol D'Oeste, Estado de Mato Grosso, Brasil. Fuso GMT -4. Freqüência 1 atualização cada 10min. Margem de erro: ±0.5ºC e ±2% com resolução de 0.1º e 0.1%.
Automation and Mobile Robotics Lab - Federal University of Santa Catarina - Araranguá - Weather Station
Weather station in New Pandeleimon Greece by Konstantinos Chondropoulos
Demo project for IoT workshops - SparkFun weather station connected by the Particle Electron - data processed by MATLAB.