Temperature data streaming from Raspberry Pi connected to 3 probes in my hotbin (hot composting).
Climate data of the environment and from inside the nesting box. The box is currently empty, but higher CO2-levels during the night indicate a bird sleeping in the box. Outliers in the sensor-data are usually due to a reboot of the system, gaps in data du
Plant Monitoring with Raspberry Pi. Aufzeichnung von Temperatur, Feuchtigkeit und Helligkeit der Glückskastanio
Ea2 BL999 wireless sensors, Raspberry Pi, rtlsdr, rtl_433, Dallas 18b20
This channel measures Temperature and humidity with a DHT22 and PM2.5 &10 with a SDS011. All with an ESP32, an MQTT and a Node-Red server.
Readings of temperature and humidity outside. Parameters Esp8266 and Raspberry pi.