Temperature dump from my DS18B20 temperature sensor. Interval: 10 minutes, Unit: Celcius, Latitude: 50.373633, Longitude: 19.150565.
Pomiar czystosći powietrza, temperatury, wilgotnosci oraz ciśnienia w Rzeszowie - Osiedle Hetmańska
Indoor temperature, atmospheric pressure and relative humidity (in D1 building of Wroclaw University of Technology) measured remotely by energy-harvester-supplied sensor system (arduino/BME280/nRF24L01+/ESP2866).
This a private DIY project. The sensor calibration might not be accurate, so the data should not be considered in comparison with public sensors, but rather to compare day to day. Sensors used: Sharp GP2Y1010AU0F for dust, DHT 22 for temp and humidity.