Using ESP8266 with Sensirion SCD30 and BME280 to monitor CO2 level, air humidity and temperature.
Battery powered weather station, charged from solar panels. Sensors include... BMP180 (Pressure), SI7021 (Humidity), DS18B29 (Outside & internal temperature), INA219 (Battery Voltage & Charge Current), Small solar panel (Measure light level). Upda
Collect and log weather data (temperature, humidity, air pressure) using bme680 and wemos d1 mini in Erlangen, Bavaria, Germany
Schimmelwarner mit Ableitung des Taupunkts über Messung der Rückwand- bzw. der Raumtemperatur und der jeweiligen Luftfeuchtigkeit. Optional der Vergleich mit diversen an der Sockelleiste montierten Temperatursensoren an der Außenwand hinter der Schrankwan
Temperature of the Greenhouse@Emmaus Brighton & Hove using a M5StickC.
Wemos D1 mini combined with BME280 sensor measuring temperature, relative humidity and air pressure. Location: Saxony, Germany
Air Monitoring on ESP32, using BME680 and CCS811 environmental sensors. Sensor data on this channel may not be calibrated.