In an outhouse we have a heat pump for central heating of the house combined with solar panels and a 500liter accumulation tank. The water heater in the house need to know whether to heat from with central water or electricity
Experimental channel running in the room of Pista. Hadware: DHT22 sensor + ESP32 WiFi module. Software: Arduino IDE
weather station, CA110AY, Cumbria, UK, measures temp, pressure, humidity, rainfall, wind speed and wind direction. :) My twitter page can be found here :
Capture my Swimming pool data using an ESP8266. Duplicated on a local web interface. Also posted to MySQL via PHP Post.
Weather Station using Wemos D1 mini Pro with TFT screen.
Project ini menggunakan sensor DHT 11 dan Soil Moisture untuk memonitoring kelembaban tanah.
Anlage A1: pH-Wert, Füllstand und Temperatur von Zulauf, Ablauf und Teich
Formação 2021 - CFAE Dr. Rui Grácio / Arduino e Sensores na web / Universidade do Algarve. Materiais: Arduino com Ethernet Shield; sensor de temperatura e humidade DHT11; LDR (luz). Atualizado a cada 10 minutos.