NodeMCU based Project takes input from a LDR and Logs light intensity into the thinkspeak server.
Collecting data from DHT22 temperature/humidity sensor and LDR luminosity sensor using Adafruit HUZZAH ESP8266 Breakout (NodeMCU 0.9.6)
This project monitors six DS18B20 temperature probes. The data is collected via an ESP8266 NodeMCU micro controller.
Sensor Suhu dan Kelembapan menggunakan DHT 11, nodemcu esp8266, kabel jumper, mit app inventor dan Arduino IDE, Abdillah dan Yusuf
This channel monitors environmental conditions in an underground bus terminal. It collects and records temperature, humidity, and air quality (PPM) data to ensure a safe and comfortable environment for passengers. The data is used for real-time analysis a