Weather station which collect PM1, PM2.5, PM10 and VOC gases
This channel measures Temperature and humidity with a DHT22 and PM2.5 &10 with a SDS011. All with an ESP32, an MQTT and a Node-Red server.
A battery operated device to measure PM2.5 in the local area at regular intervals.
PM10 e PM2,5 misurati con sensore SDS011. Temperatura ed Umidità Relativa misurate con sensore DHT22. Microcontr. ESP8266 running ANNEX RDS.
Ilość cząstek zawieszonych w podziale na cząstki o wielkości 1, 2.5 i 10 um
Data from Air Quality Sensors connected to a WeatherDuino Pro2 PLUS system by Werk_AG
Analisis de Calidad del Aire Estacion de monitorero de PM2.5 & PM10 + Temperatura + Humedad + Presion ESP8266 & HPMA115S0 & BME280 f = 30 s Loma de Las Brujas - Envigado - Colombia