A channel to log weather data from a remote weather station
Live weather data from Safdarjung, Delhi, updated every 5 min, check out more information for our channel and other services
A classroom weather station using a DHT22 and Raspberry Pi Zero W.
Wegen einer Störung gibt es aktuell leider keine Wetterdaten! Die Messdaten der Wetterstation am Bildungszentrum Denzlingen Contact: mein.wetter@web.de
This is the Live Weather and Air Quality of Santoshpur, Kolkata, India. Provides the current temperature, pressure and humidity, Air Quality Index 1.0, 2.5 and 10. Running on a battery powered ESP32 paired with BME680 sensor and PMS7003 sensor.
Ο καιρός στην Ιπποκράτειο Πολιτεία MeteoArduino, SHT31-D, BME280
Mediciones de presión atmosférica, temperatura y humedad obtenidas en la localidad pirenaica aragonesa de Labuerda.