Arduino Uno WiFi REV2 temperature of pool and solar panel control + weather in Osek u Duchcova, Czech Republic, MAX 6675 thermocouple and BME280
Croatia Zagreb, Wemos, BME280 and DHT22 weather station using deep sleep (10 min update data) powered with battery and solar panel
Running Arduino code on a ESP32 based board with a Li-Ion battery. Using a BME280 sensor (temperature, humidity and air pressure) and wind direction, wind speed and rainfall. Sending data to Thingspeak, Wunderground and Access the stati
Solar meteo mini weather station located in Czech Republic, Brno - Líšeň with BME280, DS12B20
Weather station based on esp8266 and BME280 sensor. Upload to every 1 minutes. Read data from sensor every 3 seconds and post them on serial and oled screen. Every 3 minutes i get data from
Tube J305 sensible aux rayons beta et gamma et baromètre BME280. L'unité de mesure des radiations sur les graphiques est le nombre d'impacts détectés en 30 secondes. Adresse bitcoin pour soutenir le projet : bc1qmvktaemp88p6q3f7nl8j6mkuv08q4fcmpremu4
Sistem Pemantau Greenhouse Hidroponik. Suhu Udara, Suhu Air, Kelembaban Udara, Tinggi bak Air, TDS Air, pH Air dan ESP8266 Berbasis IoT.