ESP8266 & BMP280, DHT11, light senzor i battery voltage using deep sleep (10 min update ) powered with one 18650 battery and 5W 5V solar panel
Electrical Engineering Undergraduate Thesis. Designing a Real-Time IoT LoRa Based System Using DHT11 and Dragino LoRa Shield To Determine Radio Refractivity, Refractivity Gradient, and effective earth radius factor (k-factor)
Humidity and Temperature Ambient Real-Time Monitoringusing ESP32 and DHT11
Data retrieved from various NodeMCU's equipped with a DHT11, photo sensors and a moisture sensor stucked in a pot.
A simple weather station. Created with NodeMCU ESP-12E, BMP280 and DHT11. Coded with Arduino IDE to send to Thingspeak and Blynk simultaneously.
This project was set up to track the indoor temperature(SI unit) and humidity to analyze the variation throughout the day. The system consists of esp32 WiFi-MCU and a DHT11 sensor.
Sistema IoT para monitorización de invernaderos Realizado por: I. Cámara, I.Fons, R.Frutos, J.Gómez, J.M.Márquez, F.Oteros, S.Piqueras, A.Rivero y R.Velasco Diseño Electrónico e Instrumentación Universidad Loyola Andalucía