Temperatur, Feuchtigkeit und Luftdruck vom BME280 Sensor im Freien in 34225 Baunatal-Hertingshausen, Germany
Sensor for temperature, humidity, pressure, air quality using the bme 680 and esp8266.
Temperatursensor der Wetterstation, Haan, Germany Sensor: BME280 esp32
Temperature, Humidity, Pressure, Motion Detection and Light Level in our F5 home.
Read data from temperature sensor (DS18B20) and pressure sensor (G 1/4).
Temperature, Humidity, Dew Point, Pressure, and Rain measurements at home
Electrical Engineering Undergraduate Thesis. Designing a Real-Time IoT LoRa Based System Using DHT11 and Dragino LoRa Shield To Determine Radio Refractivity, Refractivity Gradient, and effective earth radius factor (k-factor)
Log sensor data from my particle photon Bosch BME680 gas/T/RH/P sensor (installed indoor)